Sleeping but still feel tired? It might be sleep apnea.

OSA (Obstructive Slumber Apnea)

Image result for sleep apneaDo you ever wake up in the morning and feel completely depleted of all energy? Do you wake up with headaches for no reason? Is your throat try and/or sore? All of these could be the aftermath of a long night of snoring and wheezing. It may even be a sign to OSA (Obstructive Slumber Apnea). More than 18 million Americans wheeze and snore all night. Most of these cases are linked back to OSA. People who suffer from OSA unknowingly stop breathing in the middle of the night, sometimes several times a night. This happens when the mouth opens and the air passages become too relaxed.  OSA, after years of research, has been linked to the following health issues:

• Acid reflux • Frequent nighttime urination • Memory loss • Stroke • Depression • Diabetes  • Heart attack

There are also other factors that may decide whether or not one has OSA. For instance, those who are over the age of 35 years old are at higher risk of having or developing OSA. Many do not realize it, but OSA can actually be quite expensive to diagnosis and treat. Some treatments can cost up to $5,000, and those treatments can sometimes be quite painful. Plus, they’re not always covered by insurance. Some doctors suggest getting the proper neck pillow. The Neck Sofa Pillow is just such a product.

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What’s so great about the Neck Sofa Pillow? The Neck Sofa offers firm support, and is the perfect shape to keep the neck in the neutral/natural curved position that it needs to be in. The Neck Sofa also has nine different positions to fit one’s exact needs. It also has a cooling pad. The Neck Sofa Pillow offers stability, and that can be the very first step toward ridding oneself of the wheezing, snoring, and waking up tired. It can be the first step away from pain and suffering and toward relief from OSA for both you and your sleeping buddy.

To your Comfort… Gabriel