Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea:

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, happens when there are multiple episodes of complete or partial blockage in the upper airway of the throat while a person is asleep. During a sleep apnea episode, the diaphragm and chest muscles are forced to work harder and harder to force open the obstructed airway and suck air back into the lungs. The breathing of the individual usually returns with either a loud gasp, snort, and/or body jerk. These episodes interfere with an individual’s sleep, and can cause major health issues down the road. They can also cause irregular heart rhythms, due to the lack of oxygen traveling to vital organs.

The symptoms of OSA can be very vague, and hardly noticeable, especially if the individual suffering from OSA lives alone or does not have a sleeping partner. It could take months or even years for a person to realize there is even a problem.  The most common obstructive sleep apnea symptoms include: daytime sleepiness or fatigue, dry mouth or sore throat upon awakening, headaches in the morning, trouble concentrating, forgetfulness, depression, or irritability. Other symptoms include: night sweats, restlessness during sleep, sexual dysfunction, snoring, sudden awakenings with a sensation of gasping or choking, and difficulty getting up in the mornings.

There are several reasons one may develop OSA, however, there are few treatments. A machine that forces air down one’s airways is one treatment, though it does not cure it. Another is surgery. Both of these ways can be costly, dangerous, and/or inconvenient for both you and a possible sleep partner. One way that many are receiving relief is through a neck pillow. One neck pillow in particular that is making a big splash, is the Neck Sofa® Pillow. This is because the Neck Sofa® Pillow is designed to be used in nine different positions, all of which hold the neck in the neutral alignment recommended by physicians. This is how many Neck Sofa® Pillow users have been able to use the Neck Sofa® to battle their OSA, and help return to receiving a full night’s sleep.

To your comfort… Gabe