Rest with Neck Sofa® Pillow to ease your Neck Pain

Rest with Neck Sofa Pillow to ease your Neck Pain

Rest with Neck Sofa® Pillow to ease your Neck Pain

Here’s a scenario for you: You have moderate to severe neck pain, but the doctor says it’s nothing major; you just need to let it heal. It still won’t go away. Why? Because in this ever-busy world, we do not rest. We don’t take breaks. Your neck isn’t healing, because you aren’t letting it rest. So, how do you rest the correct way? Sometimes it is better to not do anything for a few days, rather than make it worse, and miss out on a few weeks worth of work, play, or movement. forward head posture caused by mobile device

Rest is considered to be one of the first and simplest therapies for neck pain, especially if the neck pain is caused by a strain or stress. Physicians recommend rest, as it takes the pressure off your body, and allows your body to do what comes naturally—heal. Sometimes bed rest is recommended, but more times than not, what one really needs is minimum movement/strain, in order for the neck to fully heal.

One way to get excellent rest is by immobilizing the specific area of pain/cause of pain, rather than completely bed-resting one’s entire body. If it is a movement(s) that is causing the pain, keep yourself from making that movement. Often times a brace or neck pillow are recommended to keep one’s neck in place. If a brace is too daunting, then a neck pillow would be a great alternative.

The Neck Sofa® is such a pillow.New Neck Sofa® Jet-Black What’s so great about the Neck Sofa Pillow? The Neck Sofa® offers firm support with its inner support structure and great comfort with its soft memory foam, and is the perfect shape to keep the neck in the neutral/natural curved position that it needs to be in. The Neck Sofa® also has nine different positions to fit one’s exact needs. It does have a cooling gel pad, which can be used as alternating hot and cold. The Neck Sofa® Pillow offers great head and neck stability, and that can be the very first step toward ridding one’s self of neck pain, without burning one’s wallet.

 To your comfort… Gabe