Morning Neck Pain – How to help Reduce Morning Neck Pain?

Morning Neck Pain – How to help Reduce Morning Neck Pain?

Morning Neck Pain – How to help Reduce Morning Neck Pain?

Thousands of people wake up every morning to an achy neck. Are you one of those people? Maybe you have a lot of pain at the base of your skull, a knot in your neck or near your shoulders, or maybe your neck is super stiff. These symptoms plague thousands of people every morning when they wake up. Each of these pains can lead to headaches or migraines, and ruin the rest of your productive day. Caucasian young man having terrible pain in neck in bed in the morning. Concept pf health problems with muscles

 So, what causes such neck pain after just waking up? One would think that after a full night of restful sleep, that the body would be rejuvenated and healed, not sore, stiff, and achy. The answer is in the neck itself. The neck is comprised of seven bones. These make up the cervical spine. These bones have gel-like discs between them, and they are supported by muscles and tendons. There is also a normal or natural curve to these bones in relation to the head and the rest of the spine. This curvature is called the “neutral” position. It is when the neck/cervical spine are no longer in the neutral position that the neck begins to ache. This is often caused by a flat/normal pillow, or by having a neck pillow that does not hold one’s head in the proper neutral position.

 A neck pillow with the right support, in the perfect shape, is the ideal source for alleviating neck pain. The perfect neck pillow holds the neck in the neutral position, while offering a comfortable yet firm stability for the user. These are the “must haves” of the perfect neck pillow. Neck Pillow with features that help neck pain.

Some other things to consider are: is the pillow allergy free? Is the neck pillow washable? (This is important, as a pillow catches sweat and dead skin cells, and MUST be washable). Last, but not least, does the neck pillow suit my general sleep-position needs? If the neck pillow can offer these things, then you have found the perfect neck pillow.

To your comfort… Gabe