MND Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and motor neurone disease (MND).

MND Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and motor neurone disease (MND).

ALS Ice Bucket ChallengeMotor Neurone Disease, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is a disease in which the nerve cells in the brain and spine begin to deteriorate and die. While the brain is affected, one’s mind often stays aware of one’s surroundings, what’s happening, and retains cognitive functioning. Intellect, memory, and senses are often spared any damage. What is damaged is the ability for one’s brain to initiate or control the muscle movements of the body. As the disease progresses, one’s muscles become weaker and weaker.

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) cause symptoms such as paralysisIn many cases, the disease ends up causing horrific symptoms, such as paralysis, impaired speaking, the inability to swallow, and trouble being able to breath. The process is terrifying, and relentless. It usually very quick, and the life expectancy of a patient, from the time of symptoms becoming onset, is 2 to 5 years. Sadly, there is not a cure or treatment for MND.

Neurone Cell The only treatment one can offer to a victim of MND, is comfort. While muscle movement control becomes impossible, the MND patient does not lose sensations. A leg propped up for too long can and will begin to ache, a certain sitting position can become extremely uncomfortable, and a sore shoulder can keep an MND patient awake for hours at night. This is why it is extremely important that the MND patient is well-taken care of, and that the patient is moved about, sat in comfortable positions, and has plenty of support in the neck and spine. One way many doctors have found to accomplish a well-supported neck is a great neck pillow.

Neck Sofa Pillow with its Inner Support Structure Provides Optimal SupportFortunately, there is one such pillow that is making breakthroughs with MND & ALS patients. The Neck Sofa Pillow is ideal for MND & ALS patients who need extra support for the head and neck. The Neck Sofa Pillow with its Patented Inner Support Structure assist those who need great support, and depend on it to live an even semi-comfortable lifestyle. Something as life-crushing as MND cannot be changed, yet. We don’t have the technology for it, but with a Neck Sofa Pillow, and it’s different positions of use, we are getting ever closer to making life a bit easier and more comfortable for those stricken by this terrible disease.

 To your comfort… Gabriel

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