Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain usually does not go away on its own. This is why people are so willing to spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for even a bit of relief, and a majority of people will experience neck pain at some point and time in their lives.While not all of these cases are serious, chronic neck pain can last anywhere from a few days to a few months. According to experts, regular neck pain can usually be managed with rest, therapy, and/or an anti-inflammatory or pain medication. However, chronic neck pain is often only dulled by these remedies, not actually cured or relieved.

So, what causes neck pain? Neck pain can be caused by many things. Your neck is composed of seven vertebrae. These bones are supported by tendons and muscles, and each bone is separated and cushioned by disks full of a gel-like substance. If any of these bones, tendons, muscles, or disk become injured, it can cause subtle to intense pain. As you get older, the disks between bones that act like miniature shock absorbers begin to deteriorate. Disks also become displaced or slip out from between the bones, which can cause a lot of pressure and stress on nerves, causing even more pain.

The first thing you will want to do, if you begin to have constant neck pain, is go see your doctor. Even after a physician diagnoses the problem, often times the way to correct or help neck pain is not easy or quick. To help support your neck and manage the pain, many physicians suggest a good neck pillow.Neck Pillow with features that help neck pain.

The Neck Sofa® is such a pillow. What’s so great about the Neck Sofa® Pillow? The Neck Sofa® offers optimal support due to its inner support structure and great comfort because of its soft and light memory foam. Neck Sofa® Pillow’s unique shape is design to keep the neck and head in the neutral/natural curved position that it needs to be in. The Neck Sofa® also has nine different positions to fit one’s exact needs. It also has a cooling pad, which can be used as alternating hot and cold when the pain really starts to become a problem. The Neck Sofa® Pillow offers stability, and that can be the very first step toward ridding oneself of neck pain, without burning one’s wallet.

To your comfort… Gabe